
[2024-10-14 周一 11:15]

1. 合法化化buffer名


(defun my/sanitize-windows-filename (filename)
  "Sanitize FILENAME to be a valid Windows filename."
  ;; Replace invalid characters with an underscore
  (replace-regexp-in-string "[<>:\\\"\/\|\?\*]+" "_" filename))

2. 将当前buffer内容放至TEMP文件夹内某文件并返回路径

(defun seq-replacer (input)
  (dolist (pair input)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward (car pair) nil t)
      (replace-match (cadr pair)))))
(defun my/pandoc-line-breaker ()
  (seq-replacer '(("\n\n*" "\n")
                  ("\n" "\n\n")

(defun my/save-buffer-to-temp-org ()
  "Save the current buffer content to a file in the system's temporary directory.
The file name will be the same as the buffer name, but with a '.org' extension.
Return the path of the saved file."
  (let* ((buffer-name (buffer-name))
         (file-name (concat (my/sanitize-windows-filename buffer-name) ".org"))
         (temp-dir (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
                       (expand-file-name (getenv "TEMP"))
                     (expand-file-name (getenv "TMPDIR"))))
         (full-path (expand-file-name file-name temp-dir)))
    ;; Write buffer content to the file
    ;; (write-region (point-min) (point-max) full-path)
    (with-temp-file full-path
      (insert-buffer-substring buffer-name)
    ;; Return the full path of the file

这里用 getenv 做了一个不同系统兼容。Windows的临时文件为 TEMP ,而MacOS的临时文件为 TMPDIR

由于pandoc需要两个换行符才会转换为一个分段,故通过 my/pandoc-line-breaker 函数调节生成的临时文件,以确保换行正确。

3. 利用pandoc转换临时文件并保存到桌面

(defun my/org-buffer-export-docx ()
  (let ((docx-file (concat (getenv "UserProfile") "\\desktop\\" (my/sanitize-windows-filename (buffer-name)) ".docx"))
           (template-file (concat (file-truename "~/.emacs.d/org") "/template.docx")))
    (shell-command (format "pandoc %s --from org+east_asian_line_breaks -o %s --reference-doc=%s" (my/save-buffer-to-temp-org) docx-file template-file))
    (message "Convert finish: %s" docx-file)))

docx-file 指定保存路径为桌面;

template-file 是pandoc转换docx文件参考的模板,具体设置请查看pandoc官方文档

这里的 --from org+east_asian_line_breaks 意味启用东亚换行设置,东亚文字间的换行不会被转换为空格,参考这篇博客的解说

▲ 编辑于 [2024-12-31 周二 15:30] | © Published by Emacs 31.0.50 (Org mode 9.7.21) on [2025-02-11 周二 11:53] | RSS